Be Single Minded

Appeal To Heaven

Joel 2:12-14a (NKJV)

“Now, therefore,” says the LORD, “Turn to Me with all your heart, With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.” So rend your heart, and not your garments; Return to the LORD your God, For He is gracious and merciful, Slow to anger, and of great kindness;  And He relents from doing harm. Who knows if He will turn and relent…

I have just enough years under my belt reading God’s word and learning what it teaches about God’s character that I understand that God is both fully loving and fully just. I have also learned that one of those traits does not negate the other.

This weekend we experienced evidence of the degradation occurring in our nation. There is one man standing who was intended to be dead and others dead or struggling to live who intended to go home to their families. Some understand the gravity of what took place.  Some may say life is short, make the most of it. Some could use the experience to blame others and suggest motives and plots. Some have spent too much time in the gaming world of fake wars and death and are, therefore, numb to what happened and do not think much of it. Who have we become?

We need to remember that, irrespective of what “side” we prefer in the debate currently taking place in our nation, we are all human beings created in the image of God with the purpose of walking and fellowshipping with Him. Yes, all of us. We all need air to breathe. We all bleed red blood. We all have failed at being acceptable to God and therefore, we all need a Savior.

Now that we’ve established that we are all the same, we should remember that the only “sides” that matter are spiritual in nature. First, God started it all (Genesis 1:1). Then Satan rebelled against God and His authority (Isaiah 14:12-14). Jesus has authority in Heaven and earth (Matthew 28:18). Satan still seeks to destroy us (John 8:44, 10:10). Ultimately, God wins (Revelation 20:10). We will never agree on everything, but it is important to understand that the powers at play in our lives and in our nation are only derived from two sources and they are not republican or democrat. As the angel answered Joshua outside of Jericho, the only side God is on is His own. That is where we belong. 

Given the current trajectory of our nation, and our individual lives, our only hope is God. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are mistaken if we think we can just ask God to save us and presume He will restore us back to normal. We are arrogant if we think we deserve saving. God isn’t some vending machine where we accumulate enough good deeds and good habits and deposit them for the shiny toy of His help. God is God and the only way we will receive mercy is if we are repentant. I am appalled at our depravity as a people. I am horrified at our treatment of children. I am sickened at the entitlement of our culture. I am fearful of the judgement coming if we do not repent and seek God. God isn’t looking for “show”. God is looking for repentant hearts. Will you join me in this? Will you recognize the need to repent? Will you pray for His church to be awakened? If you have a hard time recognizing our need will you at least ask God to help you see that need? Will you ask for forgiveness for yourself and for our nation? Will you cry out to God from your heart? Will you join me in repentant prayer?

I started this post recognizing God’s love and justness. The position of God’s church, His people, will determine God’s answer.  Will He find us standing with arms raised or will He find us face down with hearts torn?  We are destined for His judgement if we do not repent. His love is the only thing that has held back His hand thus far. I pray we act now before judgement falls. We have no way of knowing if He will relent but, based on the guidance in this scripture, we know His heart leans in to help those who truly seek Him. God is our only hope. Now more than ever we must, in repentance, appeal to Heaven.

Father in Heaven, You alone are God. You alone are true. You alone are right and your ways are right. We, your church, your people, have sinned. We have been apathetic toward your ways and toward you. We have been presumptive in our expectations of your love and kindness toward us. We are prideful in our belief that we are fine and it is others who need repentance.  We have not turned from our sin. We have done wickedly by not speaking up and proclaiming your truth. We have ignored evil. Forgive us for going through the motions without sincere, repentant hearts. Our hearts are far from you but we want to change. We want to repent. We choose to repent Lord, please give us repentant hearts so that we can be right before you. We do not ask this merely to be saved from judgement. We ask this because you are worthy of our attention, our effort, our obedience and our worship. Only your sacrifice on the cross can cover the wretchedness of our sin, for it is great. As your children, we ask for your help, recognizing that if you do not help us we cannot be helped. Show your loving kindness and mercy toward us that we might be a people who walk with you with repentant hearts and courageous souls. We need you God. Help us see that need, even as we seek your face. God have mercy I pray. In the name of Jesus Christ who was and is and is to come, Amen.

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