Be Single Minded

Listen, Speak

1 Samuel 3:10

Now the LORD came and stood and called as at other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel answered, “Speak, for Your servant hears.”

What are the most enjoyable conversations you’ve had? What are the worst? We love exchanging information, learning, sharing and encouraging each other but the best conversations are when there is give and take from both sides. I’m sure you agree. When it is all about what we have to say, the conversation can be a little empty.

God is a communicative God. He didn’t just create us and then step back, fold His arms and watch. He proved He wanted to be involved in our lives when He inspired the writing of the Bible. The Bible is full of “basic guidelines”, “basic principles” and good news, but that is just part of the communication. Think of where God spoke to Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah, Samuel, David, Paul, John and others. He spoke with clarity then, and is fully capable of doing so today.

So, we can compare our human conversations to our conversations with Christ. We need to remember to ask Him what He thinks, what He wants us to know, what He wants us to do. We stand a better chance of hearing if we turn off all the distractions and set our hearts toward Him. The Bible teaches that we will find Him when we search for Him with all our heart (Jeremiah 29:13). I wonder what good it does to talk to Him if we have no intention of listening to what He has to say.  I am confident He will speak if we intentionally and purposefully seek Him.

Today I want to encourage you to take time to be quiet before The Lord. Take time to ask questions… and not just “why”.  Make time to sit before Him and hear what He has to say to you. That is my goal. I want to walk through all my days listening to God. I hope you do too.  We are changed when we hear from Him. If we listen we can hear Him speak.

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