Be Single Minded

Say Thank You

Philippians 1:3 (NKJV)

“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,”

Young children have to be taught everything and one thing they are taught very early is to say thank you. If someone gives them something, Mom says “say thank you” and the little one says “Tank Ooo”.  As we age, irrespective of our circumstances, we should strive to always have a thankful heart.

Sometimes it is easy to say thank you and other times it is very hard but I hope today will be a reminder for you to say thank you to God our Father. We can say thank you for His sovereignty, provision, protection and mercy in all things. We can say thank you for having a party elected this past week whose policies more closely align with Christian values.  We can say thank you to all the volunteers who are still helping the survivors of the hurricanes. We can also say thank you to our veterans.

Veterans Day is not a memorial to those who lost their lives in defending our country. Veterans Day is an opportunity to honor and say thank you to all the men and women who serve, whether in peacetime or war. These are those who, day in and day out, either are in disciplines to be ready for war, or have already served and potentially live with difficult side effects. The courage and commitment it takes for men and women to return to “normal” society from war is a foreign thing to the rest of us. We shouldn’t imagine it is an easy path.

So today, while we’re thanking God for His goodness to us as a nation and for the blessings He has poured on us, let’s be sure to add a thank you to Him for our veterans. Pray for them. Support them as best you can and, if you happen to see or know a veteran, be sure to say thank you.

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