Be Single Minded

Whiter Than Snow

Psalms 51:7b (NKJV)

“Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.”

This chapter in Psalms is the response of David when he was confronted about his sin. It is as if the light went off in his head and he realized that his sin was not just against someone else, it was against God. That’s how things work, you know. Our sin is never really only against another human being. It is always against God. If it weren’t against God it wouldn’t be sin.

When we realize our sin is in opposition to God, we can begin to understand the position that places us in the relationship. No matter the sin, small or large, we are unacceptable and in opposition to God. One act, willful or unintentional, reveals the blackness, filth and refuse that is our sin nature.

That is why I love this verse. I think of it whenever I see the peaceful, pure white snow of winter. How God, in all His holiness and righteousness chose to do whatever it took to make a way for me to be clean before Him… for US to be clean before Him. The rich red blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin (I John 1:7) and we are washed whiter than snow.

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